Three decades working in aviation might slow anyone down, especially in this tough economic environment. Yet with the energy and drive that has propelled Robert to success in the past, he revamped SoCal Jets into becoming the premier corporate aircraft maintenance facility at the Van Nuys Airport. Robert’s drive for success, high energy level, and amiable persona encourages loyalty among employees because Robert guides them to develop and grow to their utmost potential. Clients have full confidence in Robert’s ability to get things done, manage their aircraft’s needs with precision and detail, and communicate effectively the progress of a work scope. He has an ability to negotiate with those of contrasting perspectives: clients, employees, vendors, and investors. Colleagues and customers alike always look to Robert to get on the same page: that being of superior value, a strong work ethic, and open communication.
As the coach to a strong team, Robert builds a solid foundation of teamwork that impresses the clients of SoCal Jets and encourages them to return for service on their aircraft. Robert's knack for energizing and encouraging employee career advancement provides a great place to work yielding enormous benefits for the clients of SoCal Jets.